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Sales Reports

  • 28 February 2024
  • 7 replies

Help. I need the following reports: Sales By Customer By Product & Sales By Customer By Revenue

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @jsudak ,

There are a couple of reports in Acumatica out-of-the-box that could help with this need.

Sales Order Details by Customer  and  Sales Order Details by Inventory Item could help you see sales by customer by product (filter by customer).

There are also a number of Sales Profitability reports.

If you have looked at these and it doesn’t quite give you what you’re looking for, please comment here on the thread about the needs.






Userlevel 4

Thank you, Dana. The Sales Order Details by Customer is useful. I am unable to sort it by product number without exporting it to Excel, but it is helpful. 

The Sales Order Details by Inventory Item is not helping. I tried several others and found the Customer History report somewhat helpful. 

Thank you again! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

@jsudak  Here’s one you can take and pivot for both of your requirements.  This can also work as a BI data source.  Just be aware, this is going to expose every line item of every sales order. If you have super high volume, it may take a while to open.  You can limit this, but switching off items you don’t need to see.

Userlevel 4

Hi jamesh - I apologize, but I am unable to understand the file you sent.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi jamesh - I apologize, but I am unable to understand the file you sent.

Hi @jsudak - In the Generic Inquiry screen, you can import this XML file. 


Userlevel 4

Thank you, James. I was able to import this Generic Inquiry and will see if this will work for us. 

Userlevel 4

Sadly, none of these Sales Reports are working for our Owner. Or for our Sales Manager. They are used to seeing what they call “basic sales reports” with totals at the bottom (or end). They are also used to printed reports; not Acumatica screens. 


Sales by Customer by product MTD/YTD

Sales by Customer by $$$ MTD/YTD

Sales by Item by Quantity MTD/YTD

Sales by Item by $$$ MTD/YTD

Sales by Salesperson MTD/YTD

Sales by Salesperson MTD/PTD vs Previous Year

Thank you. 
