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The user has created a sales order and allocated a certain quantity. Now, they have created another transfer order (similar to the functionality for shipment creation like the sales order) and require a quantity allocation. However, since there is no quantity available, they need to check the transaction summary and find the allocated sales order to deallocate it and process the transfer order.

During this process, the user would like an automated option where they expect the system to automatically deallocate the quantity and allow the user to allocate it for the required sales order when there is no quantity available.

If the warehouse contains sufficient quantity, there are no issues.


Any suggestions

Hi @manikantad18 ,

In 23R2, the Manage Sales Allocations feature was delivered.  It provides greater flexibility in managing sales allocations ahead of shipment creation.  This includes the ability to de-allocate inventory and then allocate it to other outbound orders that are queued up based on date-based (first/come first serve) or order priority criteria.  

Here is the link to the 23R2 launch video presentation that discusses this new feature and how it can be used to batch allocate sales order lines, provide a preview of suggested allocations and support user-override when needed to spread inventory across several order lines. (click on Distribution at the bottom left)


Hi @manikantad18 ,

In 23R2, the Manage Sales Allocations feature was delivered.  It provides greater flexibility in managing sales allocations ahead of shipment creation.  This includes the ability to de-allocate inventory and then allocate it to other outbound orders that are queued up based on date-based (first/come first serve) or order priority criteria.  

Here is the link to the 23R2 launch video presentation that discusses this new feature and how it can be used to batch allocate sales order lines, provide a preview of suggested allocations and support user-override when needed to spread inventory across several order lines. (click on Distribution at the bottom left)

We would love to see the functionality of that screen improve! It is very useful and hopefully can be extended. Manage Sales Allocations improvements (SO501010) | Community (

Hi @Ellie thank you for creating a new idea.  
