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I’m having an issue with an SO that was shipped and then the invoice reversed.

The steps followed were:
Create SO
Create Shipment
Create Invoice from Shipment
Reverse Invoice in AR module and create CM
Apply CM to invoice
The invoice is generated correctly-no issue there:


But when the credit memo is created, instead of crediting COGS and debiting Shipped-not-invoiced, it debited COGS again and credited Shipped-not-invoiced

Credit Memo

And I’m left with this that I don’t know how to fix:


@ervin41 , you need to correct/reverse SO invoice through Correct Invoice/Cancel Invoice actions starting from 2020R1 version.

If you need assistance to fix GL Entries resulting from reverse through AR reversal, please submit a support case 

After further research, I believe this is a bug-unless there is functionality somewhere that I am not understanding. 

If an invoice that was created in the SO module is reversed in the AR module, it should not affect inventory in SO or IN modules to my understanding.

The proper way to credit an invoice that originated in the SO module is to create an RC order. This then produces the following credit memo:

Credit Memo

Which is correct
