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Report Creation: Viewing Total Cost of a PO Receipt

  • 8 May 2021
  • 1 reply

We are currently using the Landed Cost feature to accurately cost our inventory. The inventory valuation report shows the updated average cost of the item, but we would prefer a report that displays the total cost of each PO receipt, with the cost per item shown. This is particularly important because our costs shift each time we receive inventory.

Any tips on creating this report?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
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Using the POLandedCostReceiptLine table would be a good place to start. This provides the data from the Landed Cost Document Details. You could then group by POReceiptNbr and InventoryID to get a sum of all allocated amounts for that Receipt/Item.

You could then go a step further and create a second GI/report to drilldown into POLandedCostDetail grouping by things like landed cost code or vendor. This could help answer questions like “why is my landed cost increasing on this item? Increases from duty should be captured by now. Yep, it’s my freight costs.”
