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Recording Landed Cost for 1/2 steps transfers instead of PO Receipts

  • 26 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello Comminuty,

I have a scenario where I would like to record the LC for the transfers instead of the PO Receipts directly. The scenario is,

  • A PO is created for Project specific Inventory with mentions of Task & Cost codes.
  • Inventory is received in Warehouse 1 - Location 1
  • Inventory is then transfer to Warehouse 1-Location 2 via single step from Location 1.
  • Inventory is further transferred from Warehouse 1 - Location 2 to Warehouse 2 - Location 1 via single step. (wanted to record via 2 step but creating problems to tracking the project inventories).
  • And at last: Apply Landed Costs – but the methods of allocation does not allow to apply different duty rates to different items within a PO receipt. Also, as the goods have already been transferred from Warehouse 1, there is no quantity available from the PO Receipts. It is being proposed to generate the landed cost document and then amend the info to pick up the correct warehouse and location that the stock currently resides before releasing. This solution is not working for now as the GL journal is posting to Landed cost variance account and not inventory. 

The LC doc is required to be created after the transfers and not at PO Receipt stage. It does not make sense to apply the landed costs in Warehouse 1 when the goods have not been shipped. This would value our inventory in Warehouse 1 incorrectly.

Kindly let me know what kind of workarounds or customizations can be applied in this.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Harshita ,

Please vote for your idea here:

