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We create purchase orders for and item and then once we receive it, we do an inspection of the item.  Once the inspection is complete, we determine that we are going to pay less for the item than what was on the purchase order.  

We need to change the inventory cost, pay the bill at the new amount, and close the purchase order.  What would be the most efficient way to do this?

One thought if this doesn’t happen often is to do a “Return” of the receipt at the original PO price and then do a new receipt at the updated price. That will allow you to continue limiting access to the Inventory Adjustment process.

Well, when did the PO Receipt the inventory cost came over at the PO price, and now that we are changing the amount being paid, we have to an Inventory Adjustment.  I was hoping there was a way around doing the adjustment since the people who have access to Inventory Adjustments will be limited.

Why not enter the bill at the lower amount?
