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Not showing error message on Sales order form, when there is a nil value for the inventory.

  • 28 February 2023
  • 2 replies


When there is a nil value in the sales order form, the line level normally shows an error message saying there is 0 value in the inventory. The error message was showing for some time. But now it does not demonstrate on the form even though the inventory balance is 0. is there a special option to enable that error message? 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @adharmawansha22 

Are you talking about below error?

When there is no availability for that Stock Item and trying to place Sales Order with more qty than available, the system will show this warning message. Please find the screenshot for reference.


The above error will go away if “allow Negative qty checkbox “ enable in Item class

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @adharmawansha22 ,
As per the issue mentioned can you check out if the below mentioned checkboxes are activated (if the negative quantities are allowed to be recorded in the system).

Item Classes (IN201000) form
Order Types(SO201000) form

Thank you.
