Mutli Currency on Purchase Order not flowing through to Purchase Receipt
Hi All,
Firstly the base Currency for the Tenant is AUD.
I enter a Purchase Order in a USD Currency. USD $1.3888 to AUD $0.7200.
I then click “Enter PO Receipt”. The Currency from the PO does not reflect in the Receipt. Therefore on receipting the Average Cost of the Item does not update to the new cost.
Any help understanding this appreciated.
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Hi @moneill60
Can you provide following details:
Product version and build info (myob?)
On what document, the rate is changing and on selecting what action ( Release PO receipt?? creating Bill??)
I’ve experienced the same problem and we’re on the latest build. Rate shouldn't change from PO to PO Receipt and then again to PO Bill while it’s being removed from Hold/Balanced.
Hi @lauracastagna
I suggest you contact myob support to get your client instance issue reviewed. Also, if there is any customization impacting PO and PO Receipt screen, do unpublish them and check. Else, could be an issue specific to myob.
Hi @vkumar,
its definitely not working on this Clients version 2021.115.300.6396. please view screenshots.
Thanks @vkumar
Hi @lauracastagna
I have checked further. This option should be available on 2020rX version onwards.
Also, you have the option ‘Allow changing currency rate on PO receipt’, on PO references screen which enables editing the exchange rate on PO receipt as well.
Hi @lauracastagna
On what version and build is your instance on?
I have checked on 2021r2 21.203 build demo instance. It does move the currency information to PO receipt. Here are the screenshots :