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Looking for a Generic Inquiry to get the List of Matrix Items associated to Template Items.


Hi @Naveen Boga 

Thank you for the Quick Help, Really helpful for me.


It is working Perfectly.

Hi @manikantad18 I have created a simple SQL View and then created a GI for the same.

I have tested it and seems working well. Please import the below GI into your instance and verify.


drop view IF EXISTS NBTemplateItemsWithoutMatrix
create view NBTemplateItemsWithoutMatrix
Select CompanyID, InventoryID, InventoryCD, Descr from Inventoryitem where CompanyID=2 and istemplate=1 and InventoryID not in( Select TemplateItemID from InventoryItem Where CompanyID=2 and TemplateItemID is not null)


Hope this helps!!
