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Inventory Transaction History Inquiry Screen not sorting properly

  • 15 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Hey all, looking for any sort of advice on this issue! 

On the Inventory Transaction History Screen (IN405000) after entering the Inventory ID my results have one line that is out of order by date.  Sort Ascending works to get the lines in the correct order but I am curios if there is a way to have it Sort Ascending by default. 

Another thing worth noting is that whenever the Include Unreleased checkbox in the summary area is select it also fixes the sorting issue, thanks!



I believe it sorts by the release date by default, and when you select include unreleased it sorts by the document date instead(unreleased documents won’t have a release date). 

There isn’t a simple way to modify that behavior, however you can modify it a number of ways via customization. 
