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I have been working on a business event that triggers an email once a customer creates order from the web portal and falling short. The trigger has not worked if the portal users generate the order. 


If I change the business event to trigger on record change and then do any modification changes from the ERP side, it works from the portal sales orders. 


The New field value is set to createdByScreenID and Screen ID = SP700001.


Could this be related to the customer's user's account types and users' permissions? Your support is appreciated.

        Hello, I met this same issue 2 years ago. 
       Our finding was
If the order comes from portal, the trigger will never work.

The trigger for monitoring on Sales order only work when the order is placed through main ERP.

      I don’t know whether this issue fixed or not. 

      Our solution at that time is we do not use trigger condition, we use trigger schedule instead.

