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Good Morning all, 


 we are in the beginning stages of Acumatica; my question here is on the process to send out a PO to the supplier/vendor.

We are currently having to -

  1. create a PO  
  2. approval process 
  3. when fully approved we manually print our PO
  4. manually send it to supplier/vendor 
  5. and finally manually maintain confirmations to track order. 

is there a way like other ERP systems to have Acumatica auto generate and auto send PO to email on file?


if anyone can provide literature or details on this. 

No you just need one of all of the above if you look at one of the example email templates you notice how name, email address etc. are all variable and will get the details from the Vendor on the PO 

You dont need an automation schedule unless you want them to only be sent at a particulair time. I think for number 2 you mean an emal templace


are we saying that we will need to individually set a

  1. general inquiry 
  2. notification template 
  3. automation schedule 
  4. business event 

for every PO created for each supplier/Vendor? this does not happen automatically? or is it created per supplier/vendor and once its set it will always auto generate to supplier/vendor?

Hi @cervantes09 

As @dcomerford you can create a Business event to trigger an email once the purchase order is moved to Open status.

This is easily possible what you need to look at in Acumatica is Business Events and Email Templates. There is lots of information out there and the help files are good as well.

Basically you will create a generic inquiry to select the PO’s that are at the Status which the the PO should be emailed. You then create a Business Event to look at this GI and when a record meets the criteria of the GI then the Business Event is set to create an Email Notification to send the email template in it and the attached PO.
