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Document Security

  • 23 February 2023
  • 1 reply

I have a sales team divided in workgroups, each group is responsible selling a different group of items, each group will process the sales orders for their products, and some groups might interact with same customers.

I’m looking for a solution how I can restrict a workgroup to access sales orders from another workgroup, I’m using the row level security on the inventory items so they can only work with their own products, however they can still access existing documents in the system from another workgroup.

Would anyone have a solution? So far the row level security can only restrict on vendors, customers, items, and GL but not on documents. 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

@Pinny  There is a way to modify the Sales Orders Primary List to display only SOs where the user is a member of the SOOrder.WorkgroupID but it is not close to a secure solution. The navigation buttons within an SO do not respect a filter set on the Primary List, not to mention being able to drive to a specific SO through use of the + button or a link on inquiries/reports.

A customization would be required to check membership and then there is the question of limiting report output, etc.

Navigation Buttons

