@Doug Johnson
Are there API docs explaining how to create blanket and linked child sales orders? I was not able to find anything upon first glance?
Also the link above is not working. Says I don’t have permission. https://community.acumatica.com/ideas/add-blanket-order-type-for-sales-orders-module-3667
Debra, I don’t see a reference to SO Blanket in the attached 2022R1 Order Mgmt doc. Can it be found in another document?
Also, any chance we will ever see this feature in Service Management? It would be great if, someday, a coordinated effort for feature upgrades in SO module was matched in Field Service. Opportunities, for instance, can be related to a SO but not a Service Order. I had a Service Order user ask me today about customer blanket orders.
@michael73 Coming soon in 2022R1! Come to Summit for a sneak peek!
What is the current status of this functionality?
We currently have a large chemical manufacturer as a customer who desperately needs blanket Sales Orders. We also have a large prospect who needs it.
It would be great to be able to draw down from the blanket order like we do in blanket PO’s. In answer to Debra’s questions:
- Currently, we can only select locations at the SO level, it would be great if we could change it on the shipment without having to over ride and manually enter details, that just seems silly. This would be especially useful for blanket POs where 1 large order is placed but pieces of it are shipped to multiple locations
- For now, all our clients are B2B.
Hello Samantha & all,
We are finishing up the specifications right now. We are looking to understand/validate a couple requirements and would like to interview customers who need Blanket Sales Orders AND:
- Need to ship different lines to different addresses and/or
- Are B2C
Please contact me at: debra.mignola@acumatica.com if you are a customer who needs this or you are a partner with a customer who needs this.
Debra Mignola
That can be done using side panels. I would have a list of orders related to that specific customer on the side panel and specific to an order type. Maybe BO for Blanket Orders
You can learn how easy it is to do sidepanels in this video
In addition it would be helpful if the user gets an information when creating a new sales order and there exists a blanket order/customer contract with that customer, that is not jet fullfilled and you can take it over in your new sales order.
In addition a view would be perfect in the blanket order, where you see, which sales orders are associated with that blanket order.
And a differentiation when creating a new blanket order between containing a contract of a number of pieces of different item numbers (quantity contract) and/or a limited amount (value contract).
We are working on an opportunity that requires this as well. Our use case is as follows, and we have seen this come up a lot lately.
Customer places order for 100 items, to hold in the warehouse.
Shipments go out as needed to different locations, which are invoiced to the parent account, but also requires the correct tax to be calculated based on where the shipment was delivered. The main account needs to pay the invoice despite the different taxes on invoices.
20 items go to NY
30 items two months later go to Chicago
50 items go to New Jersey 1 month later.
The reporting needs to be available to the customers as well, so they know what the stock levels are on a weekly, monthly etc. basis.
When can we expect this to be available? In the 2021 R2 release?
Note: we received the suggestion Add Blanket Order type for Sales Orders module and have prioritized itfor development. As we are currently defining requirements, please add your use case to the linked idea above.