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Hello. Ive created general inquiry with these fields and made push notification with webhook, so it sends selected info to my website when the customer is changed.

But it sends a notification ONLY if i change account address section. If I change primary contact or additional account info it doesnt send, but inquiry contains all of this information. Wat should I do for the notification to be sent? Thanks.




Hi @skater4 

All address and contact details will create on the Address and contact table. But customer level, its associated  with the defAddressID, defLocationID, defBillAddressID

you can use an alias for the contact and address table and add the joins. You'll get data for all updates.







Hi @skater4 

All address and contact details will create on the Address and contact table. But customer level, its associated  with the defAddressID, defLocationID, defBillAddressID

you can use an alias for the contact and address table and add the joins. You'll get data for all updates.








Hi @skater4 

All address and contact details will create on the Address and contact table. But customer level, its associated  with the defAddressID, defLocationID, defBillAddressID

you can use an alias for the contact and address table and add the joins. You'll get data for all updates.





just tried, it worked for me, thank you.



Hi @skater4 

All address and contact details will create on the Address and contact table. But customer level, its associated  with the defAddressID, defLocationID, defBillAddressID

you can use an alias for the contact and address table and add the joins. You'll get data for all updates.





just tried, it worked for me, thank you.

Thank you @skater4  for the update :)
