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Scan and Transfer negative quantity

  • 18 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to pass quantities less than 1 kg for Scan and Transfer Screen? I keep getting errors saying that the quantity is negative. The error I get is down below. Is there something I have to do with the graph or DAC to fix this? Any help would be great.


Is there a way to pass quantities less than 1 kg for Scan and Transfer Screen? I keep getting errors saying that the quantity is negative. The error I get is down below. Is there something I have to do with the graph or DAC to fix this? Any help would be great.


Could you please share the Item Set-up?
If the Item Set-up is correct on the Unit of Measure side, you should be able to click “Set QTY” and input a fractional amount of 1KG i.e. 0.25 for 250 grams.
