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I added my ICCProcessingPlugin in the R2 instance that was working on the R1 instance. When I try to create a Processing center I am not seeing the plug in I created as an option (see screen shot) would anyone be able to advise?


this is the 23 r2 instance

@Merch make sure you have ‘custom plugin’ turned on on the Enable/Disable Features screen.


it is turned on

@Merch did you recompile the dll for the new version?

no how do i do that?

@Merch you need to open the source code in visual studio, replace the references with the new version taken from 23r2 instance and build it. Then replace the files in the customization package. 

I always work off of the console in acumatica and then just publish the plug in . Why would i need to modify the dll if i created a new instance sandbox and created a new plug in? wouldnt that happen automatically?

@Merch if you publish it as a code file and not as a dll, then yes, you should not need to recompile anything. I’m not sure what else may be the case there.


P.S. Although I am not sure if a Credit Card plugin can be detected from the code files and not from a dll at all.

@Evgeny Afanasiev , would it be possible to advise?

If the Custom Payment Plug-in Feature is enabled and you have a valid implementation of CCProcessingBase.Interfaces.V2.ICCProcessingPlugin interface I would expect that Type selector on the processing screen would populate.

The selector is populated by ProcCenterByPluginTypesSelectorAttribute which is custom selector, that using PXBuildManager (and reflection in it), it basically collects all the implementation of “CCProcessingBase.Interfaces.V2.ICCProcessingPlugin” and skips the disabled ones. Based on the screenshot you’ve provided, it should not skip your custom plugin. So most probably it just was not found at all. I agree with Dmitrii - that the issue could be that the plug-in implemented in Code file and not as DLL. You can try to specify full namespace of interface when inheriting (maybe will help to find the class in App_Runtime), and recycle pool do iis reset to ensure that attributes reinitialized, but for such a solution as Credit Card Plug-in I would recommend to use DLL and not a code item.


@Dmitrii Naumov @Evgeny Afanasiev .

Thank you for all your help

I created an extension library and added the public class ProcessingStartup : CCProcessingBase.Interfaces.V2.ICCProcessingPlugin instead of public class ProcessingStartup : ICCProcessingPlugin as you recommended. when I try start i am seeing many of these errors.

see attached screenshot

Hi @Merch,

When you compiling a dll for Acumatica, you should reference needed assemblies from the Bin folder of Acumatica site of same major version with the target instance. T200 training might be useful, I think it covers at least partially how to build and debug customization in VS:

@Evgeny Afanasiev @Dmitrii Naumov . After compiling it into an extension I am still having the same issue .. what do you think this could be ? at a total loss here

Hi @Merch, after the DLL with your project is compiled, it should be placed in the Bin folder of the site. IIS will recompile the site, as content of Bin folder changed and you should see you plug-in in the list, once site become available.
Then you need to add this DLL in the Bin folder as a File in the customization project, so you can export it as customization package and upload/publish it to other instances.

@Evgeny Afanasiev I did that. When inspecting the trace i am seeing this error

So i do think its detecting the plug in but then error shortly after.

never mind i am seeing that even when i unpublish the plugin

I see on github you used ADCP would that be related to anything?

Hi @Merch,

No, ADCP is just initials for Acumatica Demo Card Plugin. The only guess I have left is the class you’ve derived from the ICCProcessingPlugin does not have a public access modifier. If it is in place, I’d recommend to create a support case and provide the code that not working for review.

@Evgeny Afanasiev After playing around with it I got it to show up!

Now though when I click on it I am getting a strange FileLoadException error. 


Hi @Merch were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett  No im still stuck on this :(

Hi @Merch 

I’ve been investigating the similar question:

It sounds you have the same issue as safetynetweb. To avoid repeating the solution, please see my answer to it:

