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I have added a custom columns to the SOLineSplit which i want to add the custom fields to  LotSerialNbr selector lookup. Attribute for the selector was uses as below.
   SOLotSerialNbrAttribute.SOAllocationLotSerialNbr(typeof(SOLineSplit.inventoryID), typeof(SOLineSplit.subItemID), typeof(SOLineSplit.siteID), typeof(SOLineSplit.locationID), typeof(SOLine.lotSerialNbr), FieldClass = "LotSerial")]

need to added two more columns SOLineSplitExt.UsrConversionUnit , SOLineSplitExt.UsrQtyINPiece


I was trying to add extention fields on SOLineSplit instead of INSiteLotSerial now i could able to add the field i have a one more query i need to convert the Qty on Hand which is in pounds. my conversion is in to pieces i had add an attribute to the QtyOnHand 
>PXDBQuantity(typeof(PX.Objects.IN.INSiteLotSerialExt.usrConvertionUOM), typeof(PX.Objects.IN.INSiteLotSerialExt.usrQtyINPiece))] its throwing an error specified cast in not valid to the field QtyInTransit.


Hi @harikanthm60 - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett i have written a method to update the Qty IN Piece in Receipt Screen on release.

Thank you for sharing your solution @harikanthm60 !
