I want to Customize Contact Popup Form of Contact Grid in Customer Screen, so i added one custom Field in that Popup form ,while creating contact custom column value not updating to the Contact Table, please suggest me on this
I want to Customize Contact Popup Form of Contact Grid in Customer Screen, so i added one custom Field in that Popup form ,while creating contact custom column value not updating to the Contact Table, please suggest me on this
public class CustomExampleCreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt :
PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint.CreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt, CustomerMaint>
public delegate Contact CreateMasterDelegate(ContactMaint graph, ContactConversionOptions _);
public Contact CreateMaster(ContactMaint graph, ContactConversionOptions _, CreateMasterDelegate baseMethod)
var contact = baseMethod(graph, _);
var filterPopup = Base1.ContactInfo.Current;
return contact;
Base1.ContactInfo is the ContactFilter with the data in the New Contact popup.
public class CustomExampleCreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt : PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint.CreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt, CustomerMaint>
public void OnBeforePersist(ContactMaint graph, Contact entity)
//Add code here
After this, if you still have the issue, it would be helpful if you can provide more information or code for us to review.
public class CustomExampleCreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt : PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint.CreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt, CustomerMaint>
protected override void OnBeforePersist(TTargetGraph graph, TTarget entity)
//Add code to take the value from the popup to the TTarget entity.
//You should have available the ContactInfo view with the ContactFilter DAC where the checkbox in the popup should be available as a DAC extension.
protected override void OnBeforePersist(ContactMaint graph, Contact entity)
//Add code here
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.Objects.CR.Extensions.CRCreateActions;
namespace KNBS
public class CustomExampleCreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt :
PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint.CreateContactFromCustomerGraphExt, CustomerMaint>
public void OnBeforePersist(ContactMaint graph, Contact entity)
Note :ContactFilter is not Actual DAC,Actual DAC is Contcat
Note :Actually we can create contact in multiple screens, those are
1)Contact screen: I added custom column in Actual DAC(Contact) and its working in Contact Screen
public class KNBCContactExt :PXCacheExtension<Contact>
//public static bool IsActive() { return true; }
#region UsrKNIsBigCExport
[PXDefault(false, PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
gPXUIField(DisplayName = "Enable for BigCommerce Export")]
public bool? UsrKNIsBigCExport { get; set; }
public abstract class usrKNIsBigCExport : BqlBool.Field<usrKNIsBigCExport> { }
2)Customer screen (in the Contact grid we have plus icon to create contact,when you click on that popup form will be open )
public class KNBCContactFilterExt : PXCacheExtension<ContactFilter>
#region UsrKNIsBigCExport
lPXUIField(DisplayName = "Enable for BigCommerce Export"]
public bool? UsrKNIsBigCExport { get; set; }
public abstract class usrKNIsBigCExport : BqlBool.Field<usrKNIsBigCExport> { }
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