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CRM Sales Quote does NOT convert to 'Converted' status if converted from 'Approved' Status?

  • 22 March 2024
  • 3 replies



Something interesting we recently noticed is that it appears that Sales Quotes that are in the ‘Approved’ status do NOT move into ‘Converted’ status when ‘Convert to Sales Order’ is used as an action. Screenshot below is to reference the field of a quote we had converted to a Sales Order. 



At first, I thought this was an error or maybe a customization gone awry. But we do not have any customizations that modify the workflow of the Sales Quote screen, and on checking the default diagram, it appears that this is really the case. Screenshot of the default workflow diagram is below.



I wanted to see if anyone else has noticed this before and what the rationale might be for this. Wouldn’t it be a natural transition for a quote that’s been ‘approved’ to then be converted to an order, and in turn updating the original quote status to ‘Converted’? I also just wanted to verify that this is the case for others as well. 

3 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi @bmorgan,

In which version did you replicate this issue?

This has been identified as a bug in 22.211.0034 , 22.215.0056 and a few other versions.

The fix will be available in 2022 R2 Update 16 Build , 23.108.0008; 23.201.0015; and 24.092.0001.


Hi @NuwanTharanga62,


We replicated this on build 23.114.0025. 


Good to know this is a bug! In the meantime, I ended up just modifying the workflow state to move from ‘Approved’ to ‘Converted’ off the ‘OnSalesOrderCreatedFromQuote’ event handler. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12
In the Sales Quotes (CR304500) form, if a user clicked the Convert to Order command for a sales quote with the Approved status, the system did not change the status of the sales quote to Converted when the sales order was created.


Fixed in 23.116.0019
