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An Error was occurred during customizations.

Hi All,

I added a new field as a list of value to “Leads” form. After published it, some errors were occurred. 


Although I published it again, same error was displayed.

And also, same error was displayed when open another forms like these.


2 replies

Badge +12

I believe what this means is that on the Journal Transactions screen (GL301000), someone tried to customize one of the dropdowns (probably Status or Type) and in the new list of values, the count of the new items’ labels and values is not equal, which means that they won’t match up correctly.


You could try unpublishing customizations, or you could find the one in reference and paste the code here for us to try to help with.


Userlevel 3

Hi @darylbowman,

Thank you so much for your kind response regarding my matter.

Thank you
