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New user here. We are located in Mtl and our generic dunning letter msut be in French. Where can I change the wording on a Dunning letter?

@DominiqueM  You will need Report Writer to edit the report.  You will also need the access rights to see EDIT on the screen.  Please reach out to you system administrator or your Partner for assistance with get this set up.

Hello @DominiqueM ,

Acumatica Report Designer may be downloaded and run from your local computer. Please review download and installation instructions in this prior post:

Then follow the instructions @dsimmerly has posted above, to open your report and make changes to the body of the dunning letter(s).



@DominiqueM  you can use the Report Designer to edit form AR661000.

@DominiqueM The Dunning letter is a Acumaitca Report with the ID AR61000.  This report would need to be edit to change wording / language.

You can find this report by opening Dunning Letter on the Receivable / Printed Form men and then select Edit Report 



Thank you


With which app do you open the report to get this format?



Thanks everyone! Is using Report Designer a customisation? 

Thanks everyone! Is using Report Designer a customisation? 

Allo ​@DominiqueM tu peux me transmettre un mp je vais t’aider!
