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Project summary generic inquiry - Estimated completed % formula



Could someone assist me with modifying the formula in the attached project generic inquiry?

I want the "Estimate Completed % field to display zero if the revised estimate is zero. Currently, it shows 100% even when there is no cost budget defined for the project. Please refer to the attached generic inquiry for details.



3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1



I’ve looked at the formula which calculates the estimate completion %. The first IIF statement checks whether the PMBudget.CuryActualAmount is greater than zero.

If this is true then the result of the formula is subtracted from 100 highlighted below…

If the PMBudget.RevisedAmount is zero and you are subtracting zero from 100 then the result would be 100.

I would fix this by checking that PMBudget.CuryActualAmount > 0 AND  [PMBudget.RevisedAmount] > 0

Userlevel 3

Hi @ejmillar 

Appreciate your help.

I’ve changed the entire formula to [(cost to date / revised estimate ) * 100 ] to get correct value and it’s working perfectly.

I’ve added revised formula for your reference. 

=IIF(SUM(IIF([PMBudget.Type] = 'E', [PMBudget.RevisedAmount], 0)) = 0, '0.00',     ROUND((SUM(IIF([PMBudget.Type] = 'E', [PMBudget.CuryActualAmount], 0)) /     SUM(IIF([PMBudget.Type] = 'E', [PMBudget.RevisedAmount], 0))) * 100, 2))

Thanks :-)

Userlevel 7

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @psoni1585!
