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I have a project that needs to be billed, there was a task added for additional revenue and for some reason when you click run project billing it is creating two proformas instead of putting all the lines together on one invoice... Help...

Hi @Gillian ,

You will want to check a couple of flags/settings within the billing process.

One option, at a project task level, there is a checkbox for ‘Bill Separately’, make sure this matches what you wish to do.


Another option, is within Billing Rules.  There is an “Invoice Group” field on the billing rule steps, which can be used to group items for invoicing.

Check these settings and see if it makes a difference.


Nope… neither of those are selected. I have never had this issue before, I feel like I have looked over this project 100 times and I do not know what it causing it. It has been invoiced previously and this is a new line item, but this isn’t the first new line item either. 

@Gillian , you can also check Customer Location on project tasks that were billed
if Location is different on project tasks, system will create separate invoice per Customer Location



@Anna Devyatko That was it!!!! Thank you so much!!

@Gillian , yay! glad to help =)
