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I have a client who would like a customized GI for their Project List.

They want to see all Projects listed once and if a Project has billing tied to it, they want to see the last ProForma Ref Nbr and the last AR Ref Nbr.

In the example, on Project 9683, they would want to see AR Ref Nbr - 000004 and ProForma Ref Nbr - 000007. 

Is this doable?  If so, can it be done in a GI or does it need to be a report?



The client would like to know if a project is taxable, based on Revised Budgeted Amount for Taxes on The Balances tab. Any suggestions on how to pull this into the GI?



Here’s my GI Table linking





@joelhoffman  Thanks so much, I was over-complicating the issue it seems.

I appreciate you taking the time to look into this request for me.


Hi @sbond84 ,

A generic inquiry has a ‘Grouping’ tab that will return one row per “group”.  I did a quick grouping by PMProject.ContractID on the standard ProForma Invoice GI (PM3070PL: PM-ProFormaInvoice), and it returned one row per project with the last proforma and AR reference fields.

Since this GI was based on PMProforma, you would want to use a primary table so that if the project was not billed, you get a result, and blanks are in the columns, but I think you’ll get an idea of how to organize things.

Hope this helps.

