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Project financial summary report

hi everyone,

Is there an inbuilt report in acumatica where I could see all these information? 

Cost to date, Forecast Cost to completion (FCC), Final Forecast Cost (FFC), Final Forecast Revenue (FFR), Final Forecast Margin, and Monthly margin

If not, what is the closest possible report that I could find that would have most of these information?

Appreciate your help.


3 replies

Badge +18


It helps us to know -  which reports have you tried, and already eliminated because they didn’t meet your needs?

Did you try the WIP reports, Construction Bonding Report?  Project Profit Analysis? Project Budget Forecast by Month?

Edited to add:  We can build additional Project reports in the ARM section of Acumatica Finance module. If the ARM reports also do not meet your needs, please consider Velix o reporting tool for Excel project reporting.

Thank you.


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@adias11, you could also generate a new Inquiry for this type of information. It could then feed to a Dashboard widget displaying this information in a graphical format. Perhaps the Project Budget Forecast “report” could work for this as well. Like @Laura02 mentions, you could modify one of the existing reports or utilize ARM/Velixo to generate a new report.

Userlevel 1

Hi @Laura02 

Thanks for your reply. 

I have tried all the reports that you have mentioned but none of them contain all the information that the customer wants in the same report. So, we will have to create a custom report using the columns that they want. Project WIP report comes closest though. 


