Need some guidance on Inventory ID descriptions and how to properly make sure they show up correctly on Invoices..
Our Customers and PM’s get confused since our invoices does not show the correct description that is entered or changed under the Revenue Budget Tab
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Invoice Descriptions on Project Invoices come from the Billing Rule as in this example:
You may like to update it to include Task , Inventory ID, Inventory Description, something like this example. Try the change in your Test tenant first, then make the change in live when you’re happy with the resulting invoices.
Thank you Laura It worked! I have one more question though. since i enter a More specific deseription in the revenue tab next to the Inventory Description. What would i use to have this description on my invoice. Would it Be [PMBudget_description] ?
Let me guess…I’m not sure, the name of your exact field and if it’s available. To find name of field, a user in the Customizer role may click Customize, Inspect Element, to identify the Data Class and Data Field name:
Then expand Billing Rule Description with magnifying glass, to see available fields:
PMBudget is available, not “PMRevenue Budget”.
The closest field name available in Billing Rules looks like PMBudget.Description. Did you already try PMBudget.Description?