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Construction phase reporting & cost code summaries

  • 5 July 2024
  • 5 replies

We’re about to start our first phased construction project & I’m struggling to figure out how to get it set up.  We use (what I think) is a pretty standard NAHB set of cost codes that follow a 5 digit format where the first two digits are the major categories and the last three are the detail description of the cost.  So we have:

  • 01-000 general requirements
  • 01-310 project management
  • 01-510 temp power
  • 02-000 site works
  • 02-100 demolition

and so on.  The major categories from 01 thru 29 are hard costs.  30 is land costs.  40 and beyond are soft costs.

At present we enter all five digits into the costcode field and duplicate the first two digits into the projectTask field.  This allows us to get subtotals for the major categories (but we can’t get totals for hard costs, soft costs & land costs).

As we start planning on an upcoming phased project I want to drop the redundant data entry into the projectTask and instead set up task codes for each phase.  But, when I look at the Project reports I can’t figure out how I would continue to get subtotals for each of the major categories within each phase.

I’ve seen some discussion of using “Account Groups” to group the major categories but my understanding is that “Account Groups” are linked through GL accounts.  In my set up ALL of the entries would hit the same GL account (Work in Process/Property Under Development).  

How do people handle this reporting detail?  It seems like I should be able to get this:

Phase 1:  
  General Requires
     01-310 Project Mgmt    1,000.00
    01-510 Temp  power         500.00
  total general requires       1,500.00
  Site Works
    02-100 demolition          3,750.00
  Total Site Works               3,750.00
Total Phase 1                     5,250.00
Phase 2:  
  General Requires
     01-310 Project Mgmt       500
    01-510 Temp  power         250
  total general requires          750
  Site Works
    02-100 demolition            100
  Total Site Works                 100
Total Phase 2                        850

Total Project                        6,100

And this still doesn’t address how to subtotal hard costs from Land & Softcosts.

This feels pretty basis so I’m sure the problem is entirely mine.

Thanks in advance for any help.


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @RHarrison 

I understand you because I was also like you.  I've also been struggling to figure out how to get it set up.
I share my method, it may not really meet all your requirements but it will be useful to you. 


1/. Analyze your data table:

Phase 1: -------------------------------------------→ Phase => Using Project Attributes for Task
  General Requires -------------------------------------------→ Using Project Task
     01-310 Project Mgmt    1,000.00
    01-510 Temp  power         500.00
  total general requires       1,500.00
  Site Works -------------------------------------------→ Using Project Task
    02-100 demolition          3,750.00
  Total Site Works               3,750.00
Total Phase 1                     5,250.00
Phase 2: -------------------------------------------→ Phase => Using Project Attributes for Task
  General Requires -------------------------------------------→ Using Project Task
     01-310 Project Mgmt       500
    01-510 Temp  power         250
  total general requires          750
  Site Works -------------------------------------------→ Using Project Task
    02-100 demolition            100
  Total Site Works                 100
Total Phase 2                        850

Total Project                        6,100


The major categories from 01 thru 29 are hard costs.  30 is land costs.  40 and beyond are soft costs 

-------------------→ Expense Type => Using Project Attributes for Task


2/. Creating Phases: Use Project Attributes for Task










2/. Creating Expense Type: Use Project Attributes for Task









3/. Creating Report: Construction Estimate Details By Phases






4/. Creating Report: Construction Estimate Details By Expense Type





Best Regards,


Userlevel 3

Wow NNT, there’s a lot here to digest. 

I wasn't even aware of something called “project attributes”.  Need to do some more reading.


Userlevel 3

Wow NNT, there’s a lot here to digest. 

I wasn't even aware of something called “project attributes”.  Need to do some more reading.


NNT, thanks again for this.  I’ve done some reading on project attributes and I’m not convinced this will work.  The big problem I see is that it creates additional data entry that can’t be easily validate.  EG, If I create a project attribute for my Cost Code Categories (General Requirements, Site Works, etc) I have to ensure that every time someone records cost code 01-310 that they also code it to General Requirments.  I don’t want 01-310 Project Mgmt being coded to Category 02-site works.  

And, since the cost code category is fully redundant within the cost code itself I might focus my resources on report writing.  I should be able to parse the first two digits of the cost code into a temporary field value and use it to summarize my reports.  It will be a challenge in the report writer but will eliminate the chance of data capture errors.  

I think my solution will be

  • Project = Project Code
  • Phases = Project Task
  • cost code category 1 = first 2 digits of cost code (<30=HC, 30=Land, >=40=SC)
  • Cost Code Category 2 = first 2 digits of cost code
  • Cost Code = Cost Code

This should allow me to get totals by Project, Task, HC/Land/SC, & Cost Code Category2

The other problem I see with your solution is that the project attributes can’t be applied to the cost code.  Only the project, task, Account Group, or equipment. But, I want to add it to the cost code. hmmm.

This really seems like a lot of work to get what should be pretty common reporting. 

Userlevel 2

Hi @RHarrison ,

The workaround based the project attribute will require the following re-setup:

  1. Get rid of the cost codes (disable the Cost Code feature)
  2. Set up the project task with three segments:
    1. Project task segment 1 = Project phase  
    2. Project task segment 2 = The first two digits of the cost code
    3. Project task segment 3 = Other three digits of the cost code

Example for the phase 1 and 01-310 cost code will look as follows:

  1. Project task segment 1 = Phase 1
  2. Project task segment 2 = 01 (General Requirements)
  3. Project task segment 3 = 310 (Project Management)

So, the list of project tasks with attributes will look as follows:

  • Project task Phase 1-01-310 
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 1
    • Project attribute Activity Group = General Requirements 
  • Project task Phase 1-01-510
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 1
    • Project attribute Activity Group = General Requirements 
  • Project task Phase 1-02-100
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 1
    • Project attribute Activity Group = Site Works
  • Project task Phase 2-01-310
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 2
    • Project attribute Activity Group = General Requirements 
  • Project task Phase 2-01-510
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 2
    • Project attribute Activity Group = General Requirements 
  • Project task Phase 2-02-100
    • Project attribute Phase = Phase 2
    • Project attribute Activity Group = Site Works

With this setup, the requested totals can be calculated in the report:

  • Total Phase 1 (group by Phase = 1)
  • Total Phase 1 General Requirements (group by Phase = 1 and Activity Group = General Requirements)
  • Total Phase 1 Site Works (group by Phase = 1 and Activity Group = Site Works)
  • Total Phase 2 (group by Phase = 2)
  • Total Phase 2 General Requirements (group by Phase = 2 and Activity Group = General Requirements)
  • Total Phase 2 Site Works (group by Phase = 2 and Activity Group = Site Works)

Thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@RHarrison i agree with Andelina.  I had a client use cost codes as part of their project task segment and it was able to give the client the financial and project related information needed to properly track their projects.  I believe that client still created some custom reports and GIs but with the way we had set it up, it was easy to group things together! good luck!
