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Is anyone else using the Cost Projection module in the construction edition of Acumatica? It works OK for us but one nuisance is the copy revision. When you copy revision there is a checkbox for ‘refresh budget’. When this is checked, the new revision will have the latest and greatest actual costs - great.

However… it also resets the budgeted fields. This is problematic because say we have a cost code that we deem 100% done but now after the Copy > Refresh - that cost code is back to its actual percent complete.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to have the system KEEP projected costs + quantities? The only way around this we’ve found is exporting the finished copy (with projections modified) then reimporting that after the new copy is created.



Great topic there

@brandontfrank Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I will be making a case and escalating to development.  I will put the case in your name so you will be notified of any updates.

Hi @brandontfrank - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@brandontfrank  we are looking to fix this issue in 2023R1. The case is #263394 and it is in your partners name.

If anyone else is experiencing pain points and lack of depth on the Cost Projections module… @aaghaei has done an absolutely amazing job creating a custom cost projection module for us. Incredibly knowledgeable, talented, and responsive individual. It’s tailored specifically towards our needs but also includes a lot of functionality that we hoped for out of the box.

Couple of these items include -

  • Viewing Budgeted vs Actual Hourly Rate right on the Cost Projection (OT + different labor classes impact this)
  • See the cost + hours delta between two different cost projection revisions.
  • Percent Complete (%) now calculates properly and zeros out certain fields when marked 100% - such as projected cost to complete. If something is 100% done, there shouldn’t be any cost or hours remaining.
  • Easy to use filters and grouping options.
  • Added some color to make it not so dull (Green for Profit, Red for losses). And Bold for any columns that users can modify.

For our labor items, we’ve wanted to track two UOM. One being hours. One being production / material. Acumatica out of the box only allows one UOM. On the cost budget screen, we now have a second UOM that allows us to do just that. That allows us to track projected production per hour vs actual and reference for estimating purposes.

Would highly recommend reaching out to him if you’re looking to use this module within Acumatica.




@brandontfrank thank you for the kind words. I am glad that I could help and make your PM team life a bit easier.
