What is the importance of setting up default system account
Our customer has set up multiple system emails for different users in Sales, Accounts etc. But a default email is not set. I am wondering how emails when recovering password would be sent. Appreciate if the importance of having a separate default system email could be explained.
Thank you
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Hi @Sandie Please review below KB article.
Hi Naveen, Thank you! But I don't seem to have access..
@Sandie The above provided is from this community link only. You should be access to it.
Hey @Naveen Boga , the link goes to KB which requires the customer or partner role in Acumatica CRM for access. I have let @Sandie know.
Hi Naveen, Anyway that you could export to pdf and attach the post for now? Thanks heaps
Hi @Sandie
System email account can be used to send an emails based on the given email account like an account creation, system reset password or any emails from the system,
Based on the business requirement you can mention default email acocunt in the system which can be used to send emails from the system, otherwise users should define the “ from” email account in each email template and can be used in required places based on the select template feature.
if you have not defined the default account then every time you can choose the required email account based on the business needs or type of emals that you are sending.
If default account present the system will use the above account to trigger emails for highlighed activtites.
I hope the above explaination clarifies the importance and functionality.