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What happened to the Hidden Workspace?

  • 14 May 2021
  • 1 reply

We recently upgraded from 2019R2 to 2020R2.  We were utilizing the Hidden workspace a suggested the Technical Tuesday: Using Hidden Folders to Manage Access Rights

Following the update, all Generic Inquiries that were in the Hidden Workspace show ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff as the workspace.

Hidden is not and option in the Workspace lookup, and if manually entered saving fails with:  Error: 'Workspace' cannot be found in the system.

However, in Access Rights by Screen, the Hidden Workspace and it’s many members are present.


Also, the Site Map SM200520 show these with an empty Workspace and Hidden not selectable.

Do I only need to create a new Hidden Workspace?  Doing so in our test bed did not hide items as before.

Hi @brianmcmillin100 

The ‘Hidden’ workspace reflected on the access rights by screen is part of ‘Classic’ UI (old), which is no longer available from 2020r2 onwards. ‘Hidden’ workspace is not available on modern UI. Here is the specific reference of this change from 2019r2 GA release notes (refer to page 82)


Hope this helps,

