Use case :
- User wants to delete an attribute, ‘Delete’ is greyed out on CS205000 screen
- User wants to know if the attribute was ever used on an Entity class or an Entity profile
Steps to find required information:
Here are the steps to find out if an attributeID was ever linked to an Entity class and also on what Entity profiles is this attribute used.
To find Entity class profile linked to an attribute:
- When you select an attribute on an Entity class profile ( say an Item class or Customer class etc.) an entry gets added to CSAttributeGroup table
- Create a GI and pull all records from CSAttributeGroup table, filter by AttributeID, you can find Entity classes with specific AttributeID.
To find Entity profiles linked to an attribute:
- When user adds a value for an attribute on an Entity profile ( Say select a value for an attribute on a customer profile or an item profile), a line gets added to CSAnswers table
- Create a GI on CSAnswers table and set a filter based on AttributeID, you can find list of Entity records with Attribute value.
Hope this helps,