At Premier Tech Partners, we have a client with a requirement that encryption be enforced on the database / SQL server. This was working fine with previous Acumatica releases until we upgraded a Sandbox instance to 2023R1 in preparation for their Production instance upgrade. When we then tried to log into the upgraded instance, however, the login screen had the error message “Database could not be accessed”.
Our IT Team already knew that it was necessary in SSMS to check the “Trust server certificate” option on another SQL server in order to be able to log into the server with the encryption enforcement turned on from the former server. But, it took quite a while to find the equivalent setting in Acumatica. Finally, someone from the Acumatica R&D team provided the following web.config parameters:
… Integrated Security=False;Encrypt=True;trustServerCertificate=True; …
The underlined parameters are inserted on the line that begins with:
<add name="ProjectX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=…
Once those parameters were added to the web.config file, we were able to log into the 2023R1 instance without any issues at all.
(Obviously, those 2 parameters would need to be changed to “False” if Encryption Enforcement were turned off on the database / SQL server.)
I decided to provide this information here because I was not able to find any documentation on this anywhere, and the first levels of Acumatica Support apparently did not have this documented either.