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Non project code description

  • 4 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Is there a place or even a method to provide the Non-Project Code a Description in Project Preferences?

If so, where can I go to do that?


I don’t know of any in the UI. However, the Non-Project code is a row in the Contract table (where ContractID = 0). You could use a SQL script to set Contract.Description.

Note that unless it is changed from the default ‘X’ value, the only ‘non-project’ row will be in CompanyID 1. When the value is changed from ‘X’ to something else, a row is added for the current tenant.

UPDATE Contract
SET Description = 'some gnarly text'
WHERE CompanyID = 2 AND ContractID = 0

I’m obviously not responsible for you nuking your database.

@NetAdmin42  No, in my opinion, we cannot provide the description for the X project/Non-Project-Code.

As soon as you configure in the Project Preferences, it takes the description as Non-Project Code by default.
