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Is anyone aware of a way to specify Favorites as the Home Page on a user profile (SM203010)?  Since the Favorites functionality behaves like a pop-up and not a full-fledged screen there doesn’t seem to be a way to select it.  Any ideas?



Thank you all for your feedback and creative ideas!   for the reality of my business, I am still debating what should be the home page for all my users… one that is simple, personalized with immidiate value-add and less clicks...i’ll continue on my quest!  In the meantime, please continue sharing any ideas you may have… Thanks again, Francisco

I have a theory that the issue may be not with the formula but rather that ASP.NET is blocking the request.  This is the error that I received on the navigation link when I used a Side Panel rather than a new tab or window:

I’m no  expert on this, but according to, this feature of ASP.NET “prevents the server from accepting content containing un-encoded HTML to help prevent some script-injection attacks whereby client script code or HTML can be unknowingly submitted to a server, stored, and then presented to other users.”

I don’t know if there’s any way to fix the url to avoid this problem.  I’m guessing the html is probably embedded in the generated javascript that launches the drilldown page?

Another idea is to pass in just the ScreenID, as shown below.  I suppose there are some cases where the favorite url has more information (such as the substitution list for a form), but the screenid will get you pretty close in most cases.  I tested, and this idea does work on the dashboard!

Thanks @TimRodman for your awesome post and @stephenbologna39 for your insights.  I hadn’t thought about using the Favorites DAC to build this.

I still think it would be nice if there was a way to choose Favorites natively as the home page for a user.  


Hello All


@TimRodman , I love your idea, and you seem so tantalizingly close, I felt compelled to have a look.  I tried building this in 2021 R1, and was able to get it working, albeit under circumstances I don’t fully understand.

I tried manually replicating what you built, but inadvertently truncated the ‘x’ from the end of the urls.  I don’t know why, but when set as a navigation rule the way you outlined, it worked.  I also found it only works for me when the Window Mode is set to ‘Same Tab’, so it’s not multi-tab friendly.



Sure thing. Here you go.

Hey @TimRodman , very cool idea!  Would you mind attaching the XML for the generic inquiry that you have so far?   

Hi @lauraj46,

Here’s another idea, although I can’t quite finish it off:


Thanks @stephenbologna39.  That’s a good workaround!  I still think would be cleaner if we could use the existing Favorites functionality for the home page - less clicks for a user to simply click the star to add a favorite rather than customizing the dashboard.  I will probably add this an an Idea if it’s not already out there.  Thanks again.


Hello again


I tried a little experiment, and have another solution that might work for you.  It’s still not as direct as setting the Favorites screen as a landing screen, but hear me out :)

In Acumatica 2021 R1, an enhancement was added to allow Dashboards to contain links to other screens.  You can use this to build a Dashboard that replicates the look and feel of the Favorites screen.  To start, I created a Dashboard called ‘Favorites’ and made it visible on the UI:



Next, I added widgets of type Header and Link to it, and quickly achieved the following:





Depending on preferences, it would be possible to create individual dashboards for each user, or create one Favorites Dashboard with the ‘Allow Users to Personalize’ option selected to allow users to override based on their preferences.

It’s not quite as flashy as a Process Flow Dashboard, but it was definitely a lot easier to set up.

@lauraj46  Yes, as per my knowledge it is not possible. You can try with the @stephenbologna39  approach and verify

Thank you @Naveen B , we know how to set the Landing Page on the user profile, just wondering if we could make that Landing Page be the list of Favorites instead of a specific screen.  Sounds like that isn’t possible.

@stephenbologna39 , I hadn’t thought about using Process Flow Dashboards.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Hi @lauraj46


As an extension to @Naveen B’s comment, and while perhaps not exactly what you are looking for, you might consider Process Flow Dashboards:


These are admittedly complicated to set up and build if you’re not a technical user, but they’re extremely nifty once in place.

Hi @lauraj46  I don’t think we can set the favorites as Home page in User Profile screen.

In User Profile screen, we have Home Page selector field, there we need to choose the Landing page manually. 
