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How to display product barcode and bin location barcode in Pick List?

  • 16 March 2023
  • 9 replies

We are trying go paperless with Pick List for our warehouse; Does anyone know how to make the Item’s barcode and the bin location’s number to display on the Pick List as a barcode?  Like the pic below, thanks...


That’s expected due to the 1:M relationship of Stock Item to Cross Reference ID.  You will need to create a join based on the data you would like to see in the report.  Are you attempting to pull Barcode Type, Global Type, Customer/Vendor Type cross-reference information?  Could you possibly provide a screenshot showing your cross references for a stock item and point out an example for us?



Hi @dngu were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Chris!  Yes, we found a solution to display the barcodes on the Pick List.  Thanks...

Hi Chris!  Apparently, there is already a Pick List with barcode display in the system ie. “Pick List - Confirm Picked with Barcode”.  We just have to edit the report a bit to work with our need.


Hi @dngu would you be able to share the solution you found? Thank you!

Hi @dngu to do this we will need to modify the Pick List Report.  Using report designer we can add an image element of the type Barcode and set the value to the InventoryCD of the item and the Bin location.  Can you please attach a RPX file of your Pick List report so we can take a look together? 

Hi Robert, we insert the picturebox as a barcode, however the Value field doesn’t seem to allow us to point to the table INitemXref.


we manually added =[INItemXRef.AlternateID] to the “value” field.  And also added another barcode for the LocationID ie. =iINLocation.LocationCD] same as the way we added AlternateID.  The report displays duplicate lines, not sure it’s the right way to add the values.  Please advise, thanks…



We are just attempting to pull the barcode type.  There is only a single entry for the barcode.

