We experienced a similar issue and curious about the resolution as well.
Hi @bradyr82 were you ever able to resolve your issue? Thank you!
Here is trace for for top portion.
2/2/2022 3:21:39 PM Error:
Error: An error occurred during processing of the field Sales Sub. value 4 Error: 'Department' of 'Sales Sub.' does not exist in the system.
PX.Data.PXSetPropertyException: Error: 'Department' of ''CSalesSubID]' does not exist in the system.
at PX.Data.PXDimensionSelectorAttribute.FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
at PX.Data.PXCache.OnFieldVerifying(String name, Object row, Object& newValue, Boolean externalCall)
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.FillWithValues(TNode item, TNode copy, TNode newitem)
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.FillWithValues(TNode item, TNode copy, TNode newitem)
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.Update(Object data, Boolean bypassinterceptor)
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.Update(Object data)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.CopyLocationDataToBranch(PXGraph graph, Location destLocation, Contact destLocationContact)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.CreateSeparateBAccountForBranch(String acctCD, String acctName)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.MakeBranchSeparate(OrganizationBAccount orgBAccount)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.ProcessOrganizationTypeChanging(PXEntryStatus orgBAccountStatus, Organization origOrganization, Organization organization)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.Persist()
at PX.Data.PXSave`1.d__2.MoveNext()
at PX.Data.PXAction`1.d__38.MoveNext()
at PX.Data.PXAction`1.d__38.MoveNext()
at PX.Web.UI.PXBaseDataSource.tryExecutePendingCommand(String viewName, StringC] sortcolumns, Boolean,] descendings, Object,] searches, Objecti] parameters, PXFilterRowb] filters, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, Boolean& closeWindowRequired, Int32& adapterStartRow, Int32& adapterTotalRows)
at PX.Web.UI.PXBaseDataSource.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments pxarguments)
Here is error for second half of the post
2/2/2022 3:14:09 PM Error:
Error: Another process has added the 'Organization' record. Your changes will be lost.
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.PersistInserted(Object row, Boolean bypassInterceptor)
at PX.Data.PXCache`1.Persist(PXDBOperation operation)
at PX.Data.PXGraph.Persist(Type cacheType, PXDBOperation operation)
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.Persist(Type cacheType, PXDBOperation operation)
at PX.Data.PXGraph.Persist()
at PX.Objects.CS.OrganizationMaint.Persist()
at PX.Data.PXSave`1.d__2.MoveNext()
at PX.Data.PXAction`1.d__38.MoveNext()
at PX.Data.PXAction`1.d__38.MoveNext()
at PX.Web.UI.PXBaseDataSource.tryExecutePendingCommand(String viewName, Stringr] sortcolumns, Boolean ] descendings, Object]] searches, Objectc] parameters, PXFilterRowr] filters, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, Boolean& closeWindowRequired, Int32& adapterStartRow, Int32& adapterTotalRows)
at PX.Web.UI.PXBaseDataSource.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments pxarguments)
Hi @bradyr82
First error indicates that one of the segment value ( segment name ‘Department’ ) of Sub account segment key does not exist. You may have enabled ‘validate’ for the Subaccount segment key and hence it expects the value to be created.
Second error is not giving much details. You may provide the Trace log (Tools >Trace) to check further.