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Approval Mapping - if AP Trans Cost greater than PO Cost?

Does anyone know if it is possible to setup a Approval Mapping where if AP Trans unit cost or ext cost is > than PO issued amount to trigger a required approval?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Short answer is “Not Possible” using out of box functionality.

please see the below post and read through my responses:

Also keep in mind Acunatica rules doesn’t support both side dynamic field comparison (I see it is a limitation but they have developed as is) rather it compares a dynamic field from THE CURRENT ENTITY to a parameter (dollar value, …) not formulas or other fields

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @charltonh the approvals are based on fields on the screens. What if you add a user defined field to the Bills and Adjustments screen and use a business event that would update it using an import scenario and you could define the logic using a GI for your requirement where AP Trans unit cost or ext cost is > than PO issued amount
