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The question is regarding taxation of digital goods sales.

In BigCommerce, you’re not required to provide your shipping address if you’re only purchasing a digital good (eBook, for instance). Therefore, your order looks like this:

You may notice that Avalara still calculates the tax, based on the billing address (which is correct).

However, when this order comes into Acumatica, there is no shipping address, the Ship Via is set to Will Call, and the tax is calculated based on the Warehouse location (which is WA, in this case).

What is the best approach to manage these cases?

Thank you!

@Yuri Karpenko You can set a Ship Via that is a common carrier. When you have this, then the system will not treat these orders as Will Call orders. 

Since the BC order does not have a shipping address and shipping method, Connector cannot set a ship via but you can assign a ship via code to the customer location and the system will take it from there. 

@KarthikGajendran , that was my thinking as well. And then another issue would be digital orders do not require shipping address at all… I’m thinking about doing a mapping to back-fill ship-to from bill-to when ship-to is empty. Do you see any issues with that approach?
