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Be default, commerce connector merges customers from external systems using the same email address. i.e. when you have two or more customers from one or more stores irrespective of the connectors(Shopify, BigCommerce etc.,) imported into Acumatica, the connector creates one customer record for all.

But because of some business scenarios if this is required to not to be merged and create separate customer records, then this could be done using the attached customization. 

Once the customization is published, you see a new checkbox called “Merge Duplicate” in Entities(BC202000) form. 

If checked for the stores for the customer entity, then customer records from different stores would be merged and you would have one customer per email ID. 

If checked for few stores and not for all, then checked stores will create a separate customer records but unchecked stores will share a common customer record. 



Thank you @KarthikGajendran 

I have a scenario there are two customers with two different websites.


The customer created in one store with customer class “  A-sale” and another customer created in another store with customer class “ B-Sale”, both the store has the same email in this scenario customer record will merge based on the email ??

We are looking at the below feature in the coming days from Acumatica



@manikantad18 Thanks for the question. 

Please note this is only for future customer imports. 

Going by your example, if you have imported a Customer called “A-Customer” with the Customer Class “A-Class” with email address from the BigCommerce “A-Store” and if this same customer places an order another website using the same email address , then the connector will not create a new customer record in Acumatica. Instead, it will use the existing customer “A-Customer” to import the order if the merge duplicates are checked in the entities form for the stores. 


Thank you @KarthikGajendran for the clarification, I understood the concept of Merging duplicate customization now

Thanks Karthik for the responses.

The Merge Customer feature is good for merging duplicates based of email address and physical address (Street, city, state and zipcode). 

However, what we are interested to see how does it handle following scenarios.

If Customer X creates their account in Website A and B with same email Id, will it create 2 different accounts? (Merge feature won’t help us as pricing for Website A and B is diff)
If it does create 2 accounts (X1, X2) then is there any affiliation which Customer was created under which website A or B?
When this Customer X logs into Website A or B will they see their order history reflect from the business account uniquely? 

If the Customer X1 changes their email address on Website A, would that email address get updated to Customer record X1, has this been tested fully?


Would appreciate as we are starting to implement multiple stores for BiG Commerce and Shopify, would love to know the answers before we test and see its capabilities. 

@hsarjapur When we refer different stores we mean different stores in BigCommerce with its own backend and same with Shopify. We do not mean multistore front in BigCommerce which shares the same backend. This feature is not implemented yet. It is in the roadmap. 


If Customer X creates their account in Website A and B with same email Id, will it create 2 different accounts? (Merge feature won’t help us as pricing for Website A and B is diff)

Answer: If you uncheck merge duplicates in Entities(BC202000) form for Customer entity for both the individual stores, then yes connector will create two customer account(X1,X2) in Acumatica. Otherwise it would be merged and create one customer account based on the email address.

If it does create 2 accounts (X1, X2) then is there any affiliation which Customer was created under which website A or B?

Answer: Yes, you can check this in the Sync History(BC301000), each customer is linked to it related external store and also in each Customer record, you can check the Ext Ref Nbr. field which will show the Customer ID and Store name as show in the below screenshot.  

When this Customer X logs into Website A or B will they see their order history reflect from the business account uniquely? 

Answer: Yes, they would. 


If the Customer X1 changes their email address on Website A, would that email address get updated to Customer record X1, has this been tested fully?

Answer: Yes, it will get updated. In fact, it is easy because there two different accounts in Acumatica X1 and X2. 




Would this customization work with the following example, to prohibit the overwriting of the existing customer account (which is currently happening NOW): 

If a our salesperson sets up a B2B Wholesale customer with the email address in Acumatica Manually...,

then Bill comes along and sets up an account on our Retail Shopify Site (B2C) using the same email ( and places an order for his personal use. 

  1.  Currently when this happens it overwrites the Name and Address information but DOES not change the customer class.    We have setup a business event to notify us, but it would be better if this didn’t happen at all. 
  2. Would your customization allow for the creation of a new customer record?



@KarthikGajendran  - clarifying question on this - 

Normally for a customer email that already exists in ACU, importing a new customer with the same email will result in a connector error saying the ‘customer with this field already exists’.  

In this thread you’re saying they are merged?  What is the qualification for being merged, does it have to come from another store?   So if we have a BC and Shopify store and a customer with the same email, will one of the customer records fail, or will it merge them?

I have seen in the past where we had 2 shopify stores (a B2B and B2C) and when the B2B customer used their personal email it would fail on import.   EDIT - Technically in this scenario the email existed in 2 customer records so it didn’t know which one to pick...

Thanks in advance!
