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Ok, this is a stupid question.  We recently implemented a new tenant on our Production system and I have a need to connect to the site using Report Designer.
HOWEVER, because now we have multiple tenants the old URL format of “” does not work.  I know with OData you have provide the tenant name at the end of the URL like this, “”. 
I thought the format for the Report Designer would be similar such as

But that throws an error when I try to load reports. 
So, what is the correct URL format for Report Designer to connect to each tenant individually?
Sorry again for such a stupid question

Nevermind, I was being stupid.  The “tenant” name does not go in the URL.  It is exactly the same situation as if you have multiple companies.  You simply put the name of tenant after your login ID.  Here is the format :
loginacctID@tenant name
