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I am editing the SO Invoice report SO643000 and adding in packing info to the invoice so it will show what item is pack to which Skid or Box. After finishing my whole setup, it would work great for invoices. However it now product a blank report when the document type is Credit. Examples below:

Credit Memo:

Invoices (Boxes):

Invoice (Skid)

I know the main issue is when I apply SOShipLineSplitPackage.PackedQty filter to IsNotNull, it somehow takes away information from Credit Memo. 

I have tried to change the filter to apply IsNull for Credit Memo and IsNotNull for INV, but it did not work. 



Does anyone have suggestion on what I can do to achieve below logic, either with Filter or another way?

  • If it is Invoice, PackedQTY is not empty
  • If it is Credit Memo, PackedQTY is empty.

Thank you,


The two statements you have are separated by an "AND," both statements cannot be true at the same time. What you want instead is "OR" in between your two statements. Also, you want to warp both those statements into another bracket to combine them as one.


I hope that helps!

Thank you @yhartman!

