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I have a bit of a complex task given to me that I suspect is reliant on Parameters but I have no idea on how to go about having multiple date parameters existing at the same time without causing conflicts or maybe I am going about this wrong.

So in the report as it currently exist there is only a start date and end date Parameter, what I need to do is get another field within the report that pulls the net sales for a month prior to the selected start date/end date and then the net sales from the previous fiscal year.

the Net sales is pulled from ARTran.NetSale like this =sum((ARTran.NetSalesAmount])


Hi @BrendanL ,

For net sales for a month prior, you can use a sub report to get the relevant value. After passing the relevant Date parameters from the main report to sub report, you can set a simple formula for the Date parameter of the Sub Report from the Filters tab in the Schema Builder like this “=@DateFrom].AddDays(-30)”. And also as the sub report, I think that you can use a copy of this same main report by doing some customizations like removing unnecessary fields and Table Relations.   

Hi @BrendanL ,

For net sales for a month prior, you can use a sub report to get the relevant value. After passing the relevant Date parameters from the main report to sub report, you can set a simple formula for the Date parameter of the Sub Report from the Filters tab in the Schema Builder like this “=@DateFrom].AddDays(-30)”. And also as the sub report, I think that you can use a copy of this same main report by doing some customizations like removing unnecessary fields and Table Relations.   

@malinthawarnakulasooriya08 I will have to take a look at utilizing a sub report as I have no experience implementing that yet, thanks for the suggestion.
