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Hi all,


I think I’m screwing up my VisibleExpr -- If an InventoryID contains ‘SIM’, I want it to display a text field, but I think I messed up the syntax as I’m getting an error.


=IIf( InStr( fAMProdItem.InventoryID], 'SIM' )<0, False )


Is there a better way to define ‘contains’ in the expression?

Hi @swartzfeger ,

In your expression you are missing the False argument.  I think it should be something like this:

=IIf( InStr( rAMProdItem.InventoryID], 'SIM' )<0, False, True )

Hope this helps!


Sorry for the late reply Laura but your expression was perfect. I definitely need to read up on expressions so I can learn to parse these better and recognize errors more quickly!

Hi @swartzfeger ,

In your expression you are missing the False argument.  I think it should be something like this:

=IIf( InStr( (AMProdItem.InventoryID], 'SIM' )<0, False, True )

Hope this helps!

