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Hi, I’m wondering on how to take out duplicate pages in Report Designer. Like for example in Acumatica it would duplicate the pages in the report. In total it’s 13 pages but 26 comes out. When I put it in PDF the pages would duplicate over four times. I don’t know how to fix this issue.



Hi @fdelamota ! Typically if you are getting duplicate data it has to do with the relations in the report which are allowing the duplicates to come in.

I’m not sure what your report is about, but if you are joining a table more than once and it is not on either key linking fields or something unique enough in the tables then it can bring in extra results.

Similarly if you join a table like POOrder to POLine, this is considered a one-to-many type relationship, where you have one order containing many lines, so you can accidentally get a result in the report for each line if these are not joined correctly.

Without being able to see the report I would recommend to check the relations used against the Merged DAC Relations screen (SM402000) and make sure that if possible key linking fields are used.

If this doesn’t work then I can recommend to take the relations of the report and make a GI out of them to see the output, if you are getting duplicate data, try de-activating the relations one at a time until you stop getting the duplicates, or deactivate them all and re-activate them one at at time until you see duplicating data, this will help you narrow down which relations are causing the issue.

Hi, I believe I fixed the duplication issue. I was troubleshooting and decided to remove sorting and grouping with the Numbering ID. Which may have solved the duplication issue.


@fdelamota Sounds good! Let us know if there is an issue! You can add the report to the discussion by having Report Designer open and click File > Save As… and then add the .rpx report file for us to review.


Hello @BenjaminCrisman 

I am too facing the same issue. Attaching the zip file.

