Hi All, I have encountering an unexpected problem from report desginer. The report is made by the exported G.I., and the G.I. actuallly have no problem at all.
However, when I do the same setting in the report designer, finally there are 2-3 items cannot be grouped. I have really no idea about it. The grouping data is normally including Inventory CD, LotSeriesNbr, Site ID, and Location ID. I have checked many times the data is not problem, referring to the screenshot I highlighted it in yellow, the data is matched and same, but it comes up not grouping.
Is there anything I missed out or something I need to setup in the report designer (which is different with G.I.)? I surely the original G.I. is working like a charm, but just report result is not the same.
Appreicate if someone can help or advise to fix this problem. Many thanks.