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Projects by Branch

  • 13 December 2023
  • 3 replies

Hello to all.  I have created a PM report that lists all my projects as the first column and then revenue by month.  The report does exactly what I intended which is to show all my project revenue by month for the whole company but I now need to see project revenue within a branch.  


I was hoping that in the report definitions / default data source settings - I would be able to request the branch.  I do not have the option.  

Any ideas how I can get this?

3 replies

Badge +18

Hello @Eospina12 ,

I agree with you, there is no way to request Branch or Company on Projects financial reports. I like your idea. I don’t see it in the Ideas section of this community: can you add your  idea so we can vote?


Velix o is an ISV financial report writer add-on to Excel that may help you solve your need.  Velixo can do general ledger financial reports as well as project reporting directly from the Acumatica tenants. Look for Velix o and Gabirel Michaud in this community for more information and perhaps a demo.  Or contact your VAR.


Good luck!


Userlevel 2

Wow Laura you are my Guardian Angel hahahaha - thank you.  I will upload into ideas and as far as Velexio - yes looking into it but was aiming at 2024 as I wanted to stabilize our implementation first.

Thanks again!

Userlevel 4

@Eospina12 I’m working on a similar report, but haven’t gotten far enough along in report designer to start creating formulas. I created a GI first to get all my tables and relationships established and am pulling start date, branch, project id and description, task id and description, and revised budgeted amount. I’m exporting the GI results to excel and manually figuring individual branch revenue. Probably not the ideal answer you were looking for. The branch can be pulled from [PMProject.DefaultBranchID]. Hopes this helps.
