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Nonexistent Tables

  • 28 February 2023
  • 6 replies

Is there any way I can use data from a Nonexistent table into my GI? for example In the Inventory Allocation Details screen there is a field called Reference Nbr. which is the document number of the source for this allocation.

how can I get the data within this field into my own made GI?

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @Pinny have you tried doing join with the table InventoryAllocDetEnqResult



I don't think we can use that table as a source for your GI, it doesn't have any data in it, its just a view of other tables in the database, you’ll get an error saying “Invalid object name”

Userlevel 7

Hi @Pinny  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Pinny  

Unfortunately, it's not possible to retrieve values from an Unbound DAC in the Inventory Allocation Details screen. However, you can review the graph code to determine which table Acumatica is using to retrieve the details that are dynamically loaded on the screen. Once you have identified the relevant table, you can use that information to fetch the details you need from that table in the appropriate pages.

I hope this explanation is helpful to you.


Userlevel 1

@Naveen Boga - Can you elaborate on the “Graph Code” you reference?  How does one go about finding this?  It may be understood under a different name so forgive me if this is more obviously represented in Acumatica.  Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@Pinny  - see this explanation this may help you too. 


