Hi @swartzfeger ,
The only way that I know of to accomplish conditional formatting is with overlapping controls. Use the VisibleExpr field to make visible only the version of the control that has the desired formatting based on the criteria.
Hope this helps!
Hi @swartzfeger ,
The only way that I know of to accomplish conditional formatting is with overlapping controls. Use the VisibleExpr field to make visible only the version of the control that has the desired formatting based on the criteria.
Hope this helps!
I’m trying that but also failing, lol -- this is what I have -- 3 different text boxes to each display black, blue or red:
==tInventoryItem.ItemStatus]=’AC’ AND sInventoryItem.NoteText]<>NULL
It’s the first one that is causing problems… I can get the BLUE and RED to print, but the first expression is wrong.
=iInventoryItem.ItemStatus]=’AC’ AND IInventoryItem.NoteText]=0
I need to say “and inventory note is empty”, and =0 seems to make it error. Is “aInventoryItem.NoteText] Is Null” correct?
Hi @swartzfeger ,
For black the formula would be
==InventoryItem.ItemStatus] = "AC" and InventoryItem.Note] = null
It’s different form the SQL syntax :)
Hi @swartzfeger ,
For black the formula would be
=>InventoryItem.ItemStatus] = "AC" and dInventoryItem.Note] = null
It’s different form the SQL syntax :)
Thanks Laura, it’s appreciated. It seems to work but the BLUE expr
=/InventoryItem.ItemStatus]=’AC’ AND InventoryItem.NoteText]<>NULL
seems to be overriding the BLACK expr
=xInventoryItem.ItemStatus]=’AC’ AND ]InventoryItem.NoteText]=NULL
Maybe I need to point to something else and not .NoteText
Hi @swartzfeger ,
Try looking for an empty string:
=>InventoryItem.ItemStatus] = "AC" and dInventoryItem.NoteText] = ''
I tested this and it worked for me.
Hope this helps!
Hi @swartzfeger ,
Try looking for an empty string:
=mInventoryItem.ItemStatus] = "AC" and nInventoryItem.NoteText] = ''
I tested this and it worked for me.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Laura, that did the trick! I also had to change <>NULL to <>’’