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Hi Everyone,

Good Morning,

I have added a multiple filters in Report Designer.

 But, all are working fine expect Location lookup data not populated.

 Here is my setup…


So please help me out, How to fix this?



Nageswararao A.

Hello @BenjaminCrisman 
Yes, you are the correct.

  The doc type and ref nbr parameters as not required. When we removed this filter , the functionality working fine.

Location filter working like this.

Location.LocationCD Equal @LocationID


Thanks for your support. 

 @NageswaraRaoAddanki60 Apologies for the delayed response, I thought I already updated this thread.

Shortly after your last response I realized that, at least for me, I was pasting in the incorrect details into the parameters when I was testing in Report Designer, this actually worked as expected for me.

Just make sure to mark the the doc type and ref nbr parameters as not required and add conditions in the filters to allow for Null results.

You could try uploading the report here to see if I could test it locally also

@NageswaraRaoAddanki60 I’m not really sure why it returns no data, though the same conditions work in a GI, so there must be something in the way Report Designer is seeing the values.

Technically these are IDs being retrieved, but even if the ID is used it still returns no results, so it’s strange, but I suspect it is how the report is configured.

Are you just modifying the standard Service Order report, or is this all custom report?

Yes @BenjaminCrisman , I’m modifying the standard Service Order report.

adding new sub report like Inventory Item list.

Here showing all service orders getting filters CustomerID and LocationID.

@NageswaraRaoAddanki60 I’m not really sure why it returns no data, though the same conditions work in a GI, so there must be something in the way Report Designer is seeing the values.

Technically these are IDs being retrieved, but even if the ID is used it still returns no results, so it’s strange, but I suspect it is how the report is configured.

Are you just modifying the standard Service Order report, or is this all custom report?

Hi @BenjaminCrisman ,

When we are selecting the CustomerID and LocationID in lookup filters are not working.

Please give me some suggestions.

how to fix this?




@NageswaraRaoAddanki60 The report is just borrowing the schema for these fields, so there is no need to actually have them in the report.
Similarly, in a GI, you can add a table to the GI but not join it in and still use it for schema fields on the results grid.

Hi @BenjaminCrisman ,

But I'm little bit confused. how is it possible without table (ARPayment) 


When we are adding this line Location lookup data populated.

Could you please elaborate how is going on here...?  

Hello @BenjaminCrisman ,

Thanks so much for your guidance and assistance.

The statement you sent worked!!!

Hi @NageswaraRaoAddanki60 This was actually answered in another post:

Since this was 2 years ago there is a slight tweak, that being the Customer parameter needs to called CustomerID:

Which are the same locations we see on the actual service order:

